Sunday, December 29, 2013


Good evening, few and varied readers,

Lately I've been overwhelmed with gratitude, and I have to tell you - it feels fantastic. Finances are hard and I don't have an ideal living situation compared to what I expected myself to have by the age of twenty six nor the career. Yet I find that even given all of that, I'm insanely well off. Down to the tiniest detail of things, the silly "little things", I am just thankful for so much, despite financial hardships, health issues and lacking a solid career.

First and foremost, I'm thankful for my boyfriend. He has improved my life in ways I can't even begin to say. To me, he is perfect. We fit each other so well and he continues to astonish me every day with the things he does or says. I've never been so happy with someone in my life and I hope everyone I love can find what I have found with him if they have not already. He is my everything.

I'm thankful for the roof over my head. For having a decent apartment for the first time in my life that feels like an actual apartment, like something I'm responsible for and I'm not just sub-letting or a charity case.

I'm thankful for sex. Among it being one of my favoritest things EVER (because duh, it's sex), it is also theraputic, an anti-depressant, exercise and a great way to be close to the man I love. And COME ON, it's sex for fuck's sake. It's pretty much the best thing ever.

I'm thankful for the food I get to eat. Despite financial problems, I have been able to eat very well. (Now I just need to eat *healthy* foods, of course.) I'm thankful for being able to go out to a restaurant with my Sir and friends on ocassion. It truly is a blessing. And the breakfasts we share are often plentiful, delicious and cozy. 

I'm thankful for my friends. Without my support system I wouldn't have made it this far. I wouldn't have such amazing and fun memories. My friends support me through difficult times and have helped push me to be a better person. In past times, my friends have quite literally kept me alive. And I'm thankful for reconnecting with old friends or rebuilding friendships that had been damaged.

I'm thankful for getting the toxic people out of my life. For seeing things clearer and slowly becoming more of who I've always wanted to be. For enduring pain that was necessary to grow.

I'm thankful for my pets. My cat is an asshole, but he's a loveable asshole. He's adorable and comforts me when I'm sad, kneads my belly and keeps me company when the Sir is away. And I'm thankful for Houdini, for I have always wanted a snake. And Houdini is so cute. <3

I'm thankful for my tech. Something as simple as my awesome Android phone makes me happy. It has worked the best out of all of my phones, and the crisp graphics are so shiny! I love having my XBox so I can game with people when I'm stuck in the house.

I'm thankful for my car. Despite it costing me $600+ a month between payments, gas and insurance, I've gone without a car for over three years before and being without a car is the worst. I'm happy to have my car despite the expenses, I need to be able to have my freedom.

I'm thankful for my job. As much as it drives me nuts to deal with idiots all day, I have the best job I've ever had in my life and they treat me very well. The office environment is one of the best I've ever worked in, too.

I'm thankful for music. I feel like music has saved my life, too. Music is my religion.

There are so many other "little things" I'm thankful for. A washer and dryer. Tattoos. SHOWERS. Incense. Video games. Renaissance faire. The internet. Crafting. Piercings. Driving with the windows down, music up. Booze. Parties. Meditation. Smoking hookah while listening to Beats Antique by candlelight. Oh yeah... candles!

Despite all the pain that existing in this world comes with, there's so much beauty. And without the use of drugs or any other outside substance, I have been able to become so in love with these little things. To appreciate them. Everything is a small miracle.

TLDR; version - I'm thankful as FUCK! hahaha

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